11 - 5 Cutting Global Population Growth
In 1994, The United Nations held its conference on population and development in Cairo,
Egypt. One goal is to stabilize the world's population at 7.8 billion by 2050, instead of the
projected 10-12.5 billion. The major goals of the 20-year plan endorsed by 180
governments- are by 2015 to:
provide universal access to family-planning services.
improve the health care of infants, children and pregnant women.
encourage development of national population policies.
bring more equitable relationships between men and women with emphasis on
improving the status of women (educations and jobs).
increase access to education, especially for girls.
increase the involvement of men in child-bearing and family-planning.
take steps to eradicate poverty.
reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption.
Even if they wanted to, most countries could not afford implement most of these goals.
But, Japan, Thailand, , South Korea, taiwan, and china, have shown that a country can
reach replacement-fertility level in 15-30 years. A mix of these factors must be tailored to
each country's situation.
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